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- Do it like Everfield: how PE firms structure software serial acquirers
Do it like Everfield: how PE firms structure software serial acquirers
13 acquisitions, €40M+ capital deployed - but how's Everfield structured?
Founded less than 2 years ago by Aquiline Capital Partners, Everfield has wasted no time in becoming one of Europe’s most acquisitive Vertical Market Software HoldCos. And yet, little is publicly known about Everfield’s financials, governance - or management incentive. Below, we lift the veil on all of these topics, having sifted through UK Companies House filings.
Two words about Everfield’s owners
Everfield is controlled by Aquiline Capital Partners (ACP), a New York headquartered PE investor with nearly $10B in assets under management. Founded in 2005 by Jeff Greenberg, the former Chairman and CEO of the insurance conglomerate Marsh McLennan, ACP cut its teeth investing across the financial services sector.
In recent years, ACP has gone all-in on software rollups, establishing several platforms in the US and Europe.
Source: Rollupeurope analysis
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